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You'll see the word slug used quite often on this page.

Essentially, the slug is a way of identifying a piece of content - a presenter, a market, a committee member.

It's important that slugs are all lower case, and don't contain special characters (such as spaces, dashes, slashes).

Certain elements, such as images, are inserted into pages automatically, but only work if the slug and the name of the image match exactly. For example, if I have a committee member whose slug is 3fred, then the image must be named 3fred.jpg. If the image is named 3Fred.jpg, fred.jpg, or 3fredbrown.jpg, the image will not be inserted.

NOTE: Click an image to enlarge it.

If you see a video icon you can click it to be taken to the appropriate video. You can see an image by clicking on the camera icon

Logging in

After logging in
  1. Visit xxx/admin in the browser.
  2. Enter your user name and password - they are case-sensitive.

Do not EVER share your user name or password with someone else.

Once you've logged in, you'll see the screen in the image

To do any of the following, you must first log in to the admin end of the website.

Backing-up the site

On a regular basis, and before making any changes, always back-up the site.

  1. Click the Backups tab near the top of the screen.
  2. On the right click Backup Creator.
  3. Click the Create button.


While it's creating the backup, the reload button in the browser will change to a cross. You can see that in the video.

Editing a page

The Edit Page screen

There are many pages on the site (for example, Home, Contact, Sponsorship) that cannot be edited directly. Their content is in either MultiBlock or OneBlock and will be discussed further on.

  1. You can click the plus (+) buttons beside Explore and Community to see the pages below those headings.
  2. Click on a page name to edit it. There is an image of the page editing screen.
  3. These are the pages that you can edit directly.
    • Explore
      • About
      • History & Studios
      • Coverage Area
      • Privacy Policy
      • Credits
    • Community
      • Emergency Services and Information
  4. After you've clicked on a page name, you'll be in the Edit Page screen.
  5. Click into the editing area to edit text.
  6. When you're finished, click the Save Updates button.

Making a mistake editing a page

If you edit a page and you immediately realise that you've made a mistake after you click Save Updates, at the top of the Edit Page screen you will see a yellow bar which contains the word "Undo". Click on that and the changes you made will be undone.

If you realise later that you've made a mistake (for example, after you view the page), in the tabs at the top, click the Backup tab. To the right click the Archives button.

You should see the name of the page you just saved. Click on the name. Check that the content is correct, and then click the Restore button towards the top right.


You can see the rules for all types of images here.

You'll be using images of people on these pages:

  • Shows & Programs
  • Presenters
  • Committee

and a logo (or similar) on the Sponsorship page.

Images must be correctly named. The name of the image should be the same as the slug used when creating the presenter, committee member, or sponsor. For example, if there is a presenter whose name is Mary Brown (and she is the only presenter named Mary), the slug will be "mary", and the image will be called "mary.jpg". If there is another presenter named Mary, the slug will be "marybrown", and the image must be named "marybrown.jpg". Image names for committee members will be prefixed by a number - see the Committee Members topic.

All images must be in .jpg format. If you have an image in another format, it can be converted using a website such as Aspose. This site will also let you crop and re-size the image. The .jpg extension must be in lower case.

On all pages with images of people, the ideal size is 200px x 200px.

For the Presenters page only, there should be an additional image of each presenter which is 500px x 500px. This is the image shown when the user clicks on the name of the presenter to read their details.

To make your life easier, I suggest you have a folder on your local hard drive called "images". Inside that, have folders called, for example, "Presenters" and "Committee". Inside the Presenters folder, have two more folders called "500" and "200".

The 200px x 200px image for the presenters can also be used for the Shows & Programs page.

Uploading Images

To upload images:

  1. Click the File tab
  2. Select the images folder
  3. Select the appropriate folder (i.e., CommitteeStanthorpe, CommitteeTenterfield, Presenters, or Sponsors)
  4. To the right click the Choose Files button
  5. Select the file
  6. Click the Open button in the dialog box
  7. For Presenters only, once you've clicked on the Presenters folder and completed the previous steps, click on the 500 folder and upload the 500px x 500px image to that folder

Sponsor Images

Again, the name of the image must exactly match the slug.

The maximum width should be 200px, and the maximum height 190px.

It must be a .jpg file.

Committee Members - adding, removing, or editing

Getting Started

The MultiBlock Dropdown Box

If you can see MultiBlock to the right, click it. If you cannot, click on the Pages tab at the top, then click MultiBlock to right.

Open the MultiBlock dropdown box, click Committee Stanthorpe or Committee Tenterfield, then click the Choose Section button.

You will then be in the MultiBlock page for the selected committee. From this page you can edit and delete the individual entries, and add new entries. The Add New button is above the existing entries.

The MultiBlock Add/Edit/Delete screen

In the New Committee Member screen, complete the following:

The Add New Screen


The committee member's name as it's to appear on the web page.


The slug must be all lower case with no special characters - letters and numbers only. It must be unique within that section. For example, I can use 1marion as the slug in the Committee Tenterfield and Committee Stanthorpe sections, because they are two separate sections. But if Marion were to have two roles in Committee Tenterfield, the slug would have to be different. As President, the slug might be 1marion; if she's also the secretary and that's to appear third in the list, the second slug would be 3marion. Refer to below regarding sorting.


Their role, e.g., Treasurer. If they have no particular role, choose Committee Member.


Create a 200px x 200px image for each committee member. Name it exactly the same as the slug - for example, 1marion.jpg. The name must be all lower case. Upload it to the appropriate folder. As long as you do that, the image will appear on the web page automatically.


Make sure the slug begins with the number of the required position (e.g., if someone is to appear in the fourth position, their slug should begin with "4").


When you are finished, click the Update button at the bottom.

Once you've clicked Update, click the Back to List button. Drag the new committee member into its correct location and click the Save Order button.

Presenters - adding, removing, or editing

Getting Started

The steps you will follow and the screens you will see are very similar to those above in the Committees section. Refer to those if you need a visual.

If you can see MultiBlock to the right, click it. If you cannot, click the Pages tab at the top, then click MultiBlock to right.

Open the MultiBlock dropdown box, click Presenters, then click the Choose Section button.

You will then be in the MultiBlock page for Presenters. From this page you can edit and delete the individual entries, and add new entries. The Add New button is above the existing entries.

The New Presenter screen


The Presenter's name as it's to appear on the web page.

Slug (below the Name)

The slug must be all lower case with no special characters - letters and numbers only. It must be unique within that section. The entry will be sorted by the slug.

For example, a presenter who calls themselves DJ Harry Houdini could have the slug harryhoudini and they'd be sorted under "h". If the slug is djharryhoudini they would be sorted under "d".

If you have two presenters named Mary, use the initial of their surname or their full name, e.g., maryb or marybrown for Mary Brown and maryj or maryjones for Mary Jones.


Write a description for the presenter.

Temporarily Pausing

Let's say that a presenter is taking a long leave, but will eventually return. At the bottom of their listing, open the Temporarily Pause dropdown list, and choose Yes. When they return, open the Temporarily Pause dropdown box and choose No. Otherwise, it's not necessary to select anything from that dropdown box.


Presenters will automatically be sorted alphabetically by slug.


When you are finished, click the Update button at the bottom.

Please let Cath know when you've added a new presenter, so that she can update the list that appears when you're adding a new program.

Programs - adding, removing, or editing

Getting Started

The steps you will follow and the screens you will see are very similar to those above in the Committees section. Refer to those if you need a visual.

If you can see MultiBlock to the right, click it. If you cannot, click the Pages tab at the top, then click MultiBlock to right.

Open the MultiBlock dropdown box, click the program for the day you want to add, edit or remove a program (e.g., Programs Friday), then click the Choose Section button.

You will then be in the MultiBlock page for the selected day. From this page you can edit and delete the individual entries, and add new entries. The Add New button is above the existing entries.


The name of the program as it's to appear on the web page.


The slug must be all lower case with no special characters - letters and numbers only. It must be unique within that section. For example, I can use 1varietymix in Programs Friday and in Programs Saturday, but not twice in Programs Friday.

Start the slug with a number indicating the order in which it should appear. So if a program is the fourth of the day, start the slug with "4". If there's already a 4, and the new program should come after the existing 4, start the slug with "4a". If it should come before the existing 4, start the slug with "3a".


  • Click the Choose Image button.
  • Click the Images folder.
  • Click the Presenters folder.
  • Click the required image.


Make sure the slug begins with the number of the required position (e.g., if a program is to appear in the fourth position, its slug should begin with "4").


When you are finished, click the Update button at the bottom.

Once you've clicked Update, click the Back to List button. Drag the new program into its correct location.

Sponsors - adding, removing, or editing

Getting Started

The steps you will follow and the screens you will see are very similar to those above in the Committees section. Refer to those if you need a visual.

If you can see MultiBlock to the right, click it. If you cannot, click on the Pages tab at the top, then click MultiBlock to right.

Open the MultiBlock dropdown> box, click Sponsors, then click the Choose Section button.

You will then be in the MultiBlock page for Sponsors. From this page you can edit and delete the individual entries, and add new entries. The Add New button is above the existing entries.


The name of the sponsor as it's to appear on the web page.


The slug must be all lower case with no special characters - letters and numbers only. It must be unique.

If, for example, you have two sponsors named ABC Company, add a number after the slug - so abccompany1, and abccompany2.


Visit the sponsor's website in your browser, and copy the link from the address bar. DON'T copy it from any other source.

Temporarily Pausing

Let's say that a sponsor is no longer sponsoring the station, but hopefully will eventually return. At the bottom of their listing, open the Temporarily Pause dropdown list, and choose Yes. When they resume sponsorship, open the Temporarily Pause dropdown box and choose No. Otherwise, it's not necessary to select anything from that dropdown box.


Sponsors will automatically be sorted alphabetically, according to their slug.


When you are finished, click the Update button at the bottom.

Editing other content

OneBlock Dropdown

The following can be found under the OneBlock button to the right of the Admin page:

  • Information:
    • Phone Stanthorpe
    • Phone Tenterfield
    • Phone Admin
    • Email Address
    • Postal Address
    • ABN Stanthorpe
    • ABN Tenterfield
  • Text for pages:
    • Sponsorship
    • Volunteering
    • Membership
    • Request
    • Community Notices:
      • Community Notices Introduction
      • Buy and Sell
      • Lost and Found

From the OneBlock screen, open the dropdown box and select either Information or Text for pages.

When you're editing these, DO NOT change their name.

When you're finished, click the Update button (at the very bottom).

Community Notices

The introduction to the Community Notices page, Buy and Sell, and Lost and Found are in OneBlock.

The individual General items and Markets are in MultiBlock.

Go to MultiBlock, open the dropdown list, and select either Community Notices - General, or Community Notices - Market

Complete the name of the item (the name of the market - e.g., "Tenterfield Farmers' Market") and Slug as described in previous topics (e.g., under "Presenters"). Under Location and/or Notes, you could type, for example, "100 Railway Street, Stanthorpe. Stallholders are requested to bring their own hand sanitizer".

NOTE: You're better off viewing this help information on the website since you can, for example, enlarge images and view video instructions.


Backing up the site
Editing a page
If you make a mistake editing a page
Cropping and re-sizing images
Uploading images
Creating a new presenter
Creating a new show
Creating a new Sponsor
Editing information such as 'phone numbers or email addresses
Editing other content, such as the text on the Requests page

Image naming rules

Images must use the .jpg format.

The image name must be the same as the slug for that item. For example, if the slug for a committee member is 1jane, then the image must be named 1jane.jpg

Image sizes

Presenters need two images: one which is 200px wide, and one which is 500px wide. The 200px wide image goes in the images/Presenters folder. The 500px wide image goes in the images/Presenters/500 folder. Ideally, they should be square (the same height as width). The image is inserted on the web page automatically.

Shows use the presenter’s 200px wide image.

Committee members need one image which is 200px wide. It must have the same name as the committee member’s slug. These images go in the images folder, under either CommitteeStanthorpe or CommitteeTenterfield. Ideally, they should be square (the same height as width). Committee members' slugs and images are prefixed by a number which controls how they are sorted. The image is inserted on the web page automatically.

Sponsors need one image which is a maximum of 200px wide and a maximum height of 190px. It doesn’t need to be a square. For example, the Artists’ Collective image is 125px wide by 190px high. The image must have the same name as the sponsor’s slug. These images are stored in the images/Sponsors folder. The image is inserted on the web page automatically.